Welcome to the new Atlanta Chapter of American Guild of Organists website!
Taylor Organ Competition

2025 Taylor Organ Competition

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA
March 22, 2025 | Noon
Open to the public

Applications open | June 1, 2024
Application deadline | October 15, 2024

Apply Now

About the Competition

The Taylor Organ Competition was established by the Atlanta Chapter of the American Guild of Organists to honor long-time chapter member, Elizabeth Abbott Taylor. In October 2006 the Chapter received a generous bequest from Mrs. Taylor’s estate and the first competition was held on Saturday, April 21, 2012. The Chapter Endowment Committee, Bobby Mays, Chair, invested the Taylor Memorial Scholarship Fund in a separate account to support a national young organist competition every three years. The Executive Board of the Atlanta Chapter appointed Sarah Martin, Chair, and committee members Sarah Hawbecker, Bobby Mays, James Mellichamp, Charlene Ponder, Arlan Sunnarborg and Timothy Wissler, to set up the parameters for the first competition.

The current committee consists of Sarah Hawbecker, Chair; Matthew Brown; Ray Chenault; Nancy Dickson; Charles Higgs; Käthe Wright Kaufman; Caroline Robinson; and Charlene Wall.

About Elizabeth Abbott Taylor