Welcome to the new Atlanta Chapter of American Guild of Organists website!

First Presbyterian Church of Gainesville

800 South Enota Drive
Gainesville, GA 30501

First Presbyterian Church of Gainesville

Parkey Organ Builders
Braselton, GA

Built: 2010
Opus: 11

     I – CHOIR



8   Violin Diapason 61   8   Schalmei 61  
8   Gedeckt 61   8   Fanfare Trumpet prepared GT  
8   Dulciana 61       Tremolo    
8   Unda Maris 61       Choir 16    
4   Violin Principal 61       Choir Unison Off    
2   Principal 61       Choir 4    
1 1/3   Quint 61            

     II – GREAT



16   Bourdon SW   1 3/5   Tierce 61  
8   Principal 61   1 1/3   Mixture IV 244  
8   Metal Gedackt 61   8   Trompete 61  
4   Octave 61   8   Fanfare Trumpet prepared    
4   Spitz Flute 61       Tremolo    
2 2/3   Nazard 61       Zimbelstern    
2   Tapered Flute 61            
     III – SWELL      


16   Bourdon 12   16   Bassoon 12  
8   Chimney Flute 61   8   Trompette 61  
8   Viola 61   8   Oboe 61  
8   Viola Celeste 54       Tremolo    
4   Principal 61       Swell 16    
4   Harmonic Flute 61       Swell Unison Off    
2   Octavin 61       Swell 4    
1   Plein Jeu IV 244            




32   Resultant Derived   III   Mixture 96  
16   Principal 32   32   Cornet V Derived  
16   Subbass 32   16   Posaune 32  
16   Bourdon SW   16   Bassoon SW  
8   Octave 12   8   Trompete 12  
8   Bass Flute 12   4   Shalmei CH  
4   Choral Bass 32   8   Fanfare Trumpet prepared    
4   Nachthorn 32            

     Interdivisional Couplers & Accessories

    Great to Pedal 8, 4         PISTONS / TOE STUDS    
    Swell to Pedal 8, 4         6 Great Pistons    
    Choir to Pedal 8, 4         6 Swell Pistons    
              6 Choir Pistons    
    Swell to Great 16, 8, 4         6 Pedal Toe Studs    
              10 General Pistons / Toe Studs  
    Choir to Great 16, 8, 4              
    Swell to Choir 16, 8, 4         Great to Pedal Piston / Toe Stud  
              Swell to Pedal Piston / Toe Stud  
    MIDI on Swell         Choir to Pedal Piston / Toe Stud  
    MIDI on Great         Swell to Great Piston / Toe Stud  
    MIDI on Choir              
    MIDI on Pedal         Zimbelstern    
    MIDI Sequencer         Full Organ    
              General Cancel    
    Great/Choir Transfer         Set    
              “Any Piston Next” Sequencer

Sources: Parkey Organ Builders Photos: Robert Tucker Recording: Benjamin Lewis and Phil Parkey

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