Welcome to the new Atlanta Chapter of American Guild of Organists website!

Covenant Presbyterian Church

2461 Peachtree Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30305


Covenant Presbyterian Church

M. P. Moller Pipe Organ Co.
Greencastle, PA

Built: 1989
Opus: 11781

     I - CHOIR



8   Holzgedeckt 61   8   Festival Trumpet * Great  
8   Erzähler 61       Tremolo    
8   Erzähler Celeste 49       Choir 16    
4   Chimney Flute 61       Choir Unison Off    
2   Principal 61       Choir 4    
1 1/3   Quint 61            
8   Cromorne 61     * Independent of Couplers    

     II - GREAT



16   Holzbordun CH 12   2   Super Octav 61  
8   Principal 61       Mixtur IV 244  
8   Rohrflote 61   8   Festival Trumpet * 61  
4   Octav 61       Great Unison Off    
4   Spitzflote 61       Great 4    
     III - SWELL      


8   Bordun 61   16   Basson 61  
8   Viole 61   8   Trompette 61  
8   Viole Celeste 56   8   Hautbois 12  
4   Prestant 61   4   Clairon 61  
4   Harmonic Flute 61       Tremolo    
2 2/3   Nasard 61       Swell l6    
2   Blockflote 61       Swell Unison Off    
1 1/3   Terz 49       Swell 4    
    Plein Jeu III-IV 220            




32   Untersatz (resultant) CH 12   4   Gedeckt Choir  
16   Principal 32       Mixtur III 24  
16   Subbass 32   32   Cornet    
16   Gedeckt CH 12   16   Posaune 32  
8   Octave 12   16   Basson Swell  
8   Flotenbass 12   8   Trompete 12  
8   Gedeckt Choir   4   Hautbois Swell  
4   Choralbass 12            

     Interdivisional Couplers & Accessories

    Great to Pedal 8         Great to Pedal Toe Stud    
    Great to Pedal 4         Swell to Pedal Toe Stud    
    Swell to Pedal 8         Choir to Pedal Toe Stud    
    Swell to Pedal 4         Tutti Piston and Toe Stud    
    Choir to Pedal 8         32' Untersatz Toe Stud    
    Choir to Pedal 4         32' Cornet Toe Stud    
    Swell to Great 16         Solid State, 4 Memory Levels    
    Swell to Great 8         10 General Pistons & Toe Studs  
    Swell to Great 4         6 Great Pistons    
    Choir to Great l6         6 Swell Pistons    
    Choir to Great 8         6 Choir Pistons    
    Choir to Great 4         6 Pedal Toe Studs    
              Setter Piston    
    Swell to Choir 16         General Cancel Piston    
    Swell to Choir 8              
    Swell to Choir 4         Zimbelstern    
                  (Gift of Eugene and    
    Great to Choir 8              Sarah Martin)    

Mr. Dan Pruitt, 1992 GA Pipe Organ Catalogue

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