Welcome to the new Atlanta Chapter of American Guild of Organists website!

Morningside Presbyterian Church

1141 N. Morningside Drive, NE
Atlanta, GA 30306


Morningside Presbyterian Church

Wicks Organ Co.
Highland, IL

Built: 1956
Opus: 3695

     I - CHOIR



8   Chimney Flute 61   1 1/3   Larigot 61  
8   Dolcan (1-12 Chimney Flute) 49   8   English Horn 61  
8   Dolcan Celeste 49   8   Clarinet 61  
8   Gemshorn Great       Tremulant    
8   Gemshorn Celeste Great       Chimes Antiph  
4   Gemshorn Octave 12   8   Tuba Antiph  
4   Koppel Flute 61   8   Trumpet Great  
2   Flûte à bec 24   4   Clarion 12  

     II - GREAT


Expressive with Choir

16   Gemshorn 61   2 2/3   Twelfth 61  
8   First Open Diapason 61   2   Super Octave 61  
8   Second Open Diapason 12   1 1/3   Fourniture IV 244  
8   Gemshorn 12   8   Trumpet 61  
8   Gemshorn Celeste 61       Chimes    
8   Gedeckt 61       Great 16    
4   Octave 61       Great Unison Off    
4   Flute Choir       Great 4    
     III - SWELL      


16   Lieblich Gedeckt 61   2   Plein Jeu III 183  
8   Violin Diapason 61   16   Bassoon 61  
8   Gamba 61   8   Cornopean 61  
8   Gamba Celeste 61   8   Hautbois 12  
8   Rohr Flute 12   4   Clarion 61  
4   Principal 61       Tremulant    
4   Flute Harmonique 61       Swell 16    
2 2/3   Nazard 61       Swell Unison Off    
2   Flautino 61       Swell 4    
1 3/5   Tierce 61            


8   Grand Diapason 61   8   Trompete 61  
8   Salicional 61   8   Tuba 73  
8   Voix Celeste 49       Tremulant    
8   Dulciana 61       Chimes    
8   Unda Maris 49       Antiphonal 16    
8   Doppel Flute 85       Anitphonal Unison Off    
4   Octave 61       Antiphonal 4    
4   Harmonic Flute 61            


32   Diapason (Resultant)     8   Gamba Swell  
32   Bourdon Antiph   8   Salicional Antiph  
32   Resultant (Subbass)     4   Choral Bass Great  
16   Diapason 12   4   Flute Choir  
16   Contra Gamba 12   32   Contra Trombone 12  
16   Subbass 32   16   Trombone 12  
16   Bourdon Antiph   16   Bassoon Swell  
16   Lieblich Gedeckt Swell   8   Trumpet Great  
8   Octave Great   8   Basson Swell  
8   Bass Flute 12   4   Clarion Great  
     Interdivisional Couplers & Accessories        
    Great to Pedal 8, 4         Reversible pistons and toe studs:
    Swell to Pedal 8, 4         Swell to Great    
    Choir to Pedal 8, 4         Choir to Great    
    Solo to Pedal 8, 4         Solo to Great    
              Swell to Choir    
    Swell to Great 16, 8, 4         Solo to Choir    
    Choir to Great 16, 8, 4         Solo to Swell    
    Solo to Great 16, 8, 4         Great to Peal    
              Swell to Pedal    
    Swell to Choir 16, 8, 4         Choir to Pedal    
    Solo to Choir 16, 8, 4         Solo to Pedal    
              32 Trombone    
    200 levels of memory         32 Subbass    
    10 general pistons and toe studs       32 Gedeckt    
    8 divisional pistons and toe studs       All Swells to Swell    
              Reeds Off    
    Record and Play system         Full Organ    

Mr. Robert I. Coulter, Church website

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