Welcome to the new Atlanta Chapter of American Guild of Organists website!

First Baptist Church of Decatur

308 Clairmont Avenue
Decatur, GA 30030


First Baptist Church of Decatur

Holtkamp Organ Company
Cleveland, OH

Built: 1978
Opus: 1947

     I - CHOIR



8   Gemshorn 61   2   Blockflöte 61  
8   Copula 61   1 3/5   Tierce 61  
4   Praestant 61       Fourniture IV 244  
4   Rohrflöte 61   8   Cromorne 61  
2 2/3   Nazard 61          Tremolo 61  

     II - GREAT



16   Quintadena   61   2   Superoctave 61  
8   Principal 61       Sesquialtera II 122  
8   Rohrgedackt 61       Mixture IV 244  
4   Octave 61       Scharf III 183  
4   Spitzflöte 61   8   Trumpet 61  
     III - SWELL      


8   Gamba 61   16   Dulzian 61  
8   Voix Celeste (FF) 56   8   Oboe 61  
8   Hohlflöte 61   4   Clarion 61  
4   Principal 61       Tremolo    
4   Holzflöte 61          Swell 16    
2   Waldflöte 61          Unison Off    
1 1/3   Larigot 61          Swell 4    
    Zimbel IV 244            




16   Principal 32   4   Openflute 32  
16   Quintadena GT   2   Flachflöte 32  
16   Subbass 32       Rauschbass IV 128  
8   Octave 32   16   Posaune 32  
8   Pommer 32   8   Trumpet 32  
4   Choralbass 32   4   Schalmey 32  

     Interdivisional Couplers & Accessories

    Choir to Pedal          Solid State Capture System  
    Great to Pedal          8 General Pistons and Toe Studs  
    Swell to Pedal          6 Great Pistons    
              6 Swell Pistons    
    Choir to Great          6 Choir Pistons    
    Swell to Great          6 Pedal Toe Studs    
    Swell to Choir              
    Expression         Great to Pedal Piston and Toe Stud  
    Swell         Full Organ Piston and Tue Stud  

On-site Notations , 1992 GA Pipe Organ Catalogue

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