Welcome to the new Atlanta Chapter of American Guild of Organists website!

St. James' Episcopal Church

Church 161 Church Street, NE
Marietta, GA 30060

St. James' Episcopal Church

M. P. Moller Pipe Organ Co.
Greencastle, PA

Built: 1965
Opus: 9992

     I - GREAT



16   Violone digital   8   Cromorne digital  
8   Open Diapason 61       Tremulant    
8   Hohlflute digital   8   Festival Trumpet digital  
8   Bourdon 61       Chimes digital  
8   Viole de Gambe 61       Harp digital  
4   Octave 12       Zimbelstern    
4   Nachthorn 61       Great 16    
2 2/3   Quint digital       Great Unison Off    
2   Superoctave 61       Great 4    
1 1/3   Mixture III-IV 208            

     II - SWELL



8   Geigen Diapason digital   16   Basson digital  
8   Rohrflute 61   8   Trompette 32  
8   Gemshorn 61   8   Oboe digital  
8   Gemshorn Celeste 49   4   Clarion digital  
4   Principal 61       Tremulant    
4   Koppelflute 61   8   Festival Trumpet digital  
2 2/3   Nasard digital       Swell 16    
2   Koppelflute 12       Swell Unison Off    
1 3/5   Tierce 61       Swell 4    
2   Plein Jeu III 183            




32   Contra Violone digital   4   Hohlflute digital  
16   Principal digital   32   Contra Bombarde digital  
16   Bourdon 32   16   Contra Trompette SW  
16   Spitzgamba GT   16   Basson digital  
8   Octave 32   8   Trumpet digital  
8   Choral Bass 12   8   Festival Trumpet digital  

     Interdivisional Couplers & Accessories

    Great to Pedal 8, 4         Pistons    
    Swell to Pedal 8, 4         General 1-8    
              Great 1-4    
    Swell to Great 16, 8, 4         Swell 1-4    
              Full Organ    
    Solid State Memory System         Memory Level Up/Down    
    Solid State Combination Action       Next Piston    
    MIDI Connection Ready         Toe Studs    
    MIDI Sequencer         General 1-8    
              Pedal 1-4    
              Full Organ    

Mr. Steven Schneider, On-site Notations

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