Welcome to the new Atlanta Chapter of American Guild of Organists website!

St. Paul's Episcopal Church Augusta

605 Reynolds Street
Augusta, GA 30901


St. Paul's Episcopal Church Augusta

Casavant Frères
Saint-Hyacinthe, QC

Built: 1966
Opus: 2900

     I - CHOIR



16   Lieblich Gedackt 61   1 1/3   Larigot  61  
8   Open Diapason 61   1   Mixture III 183  
8   Gedackt 61   8   Hautboy SW  
8   Harmonic Flute  61   8   Clarinet  61  
4   Octave 61   8   Tuba GT  
4   Spindle Flute 61   8   State Trumpet (prepared)  GT  
2   Fifteenth  61       Tremulant    

     II - GREAT



16   Principal 49   2 2/3   Grave Mixture II  122  
8   Open Diapason 61   1 1/3   Mixture IV 244  
8   Chimney Flute 61   16   Double Trumpet 49  
4   Octave 61   8   Trumpet (hooded)  61  
4   Spire Flute 61   8   Tuba  61  
2   Block Flute 61   8   State Trumpet (prepared)   
     III - SWELL      


16   Lieblich Gedackt CH   2   Recorder 61  
8   Open Diapason Digital   1 3/5   Tierce  61  
8   Bourdon  61   2   Mixture III-IV 244  
8   Viola 61   16   Fagotto (full length)  54  
8   Voix Celeste 61   8   Cornopean 61  
4   Principal 61   8   Hautboy 61  
4   Open Flute 61   4   Clarion  12  
2 2/3   Nazard 61       Tremulant    
     IV - SOLO      

Expressive and Floating

8   Erzähler Digital   8   Corno di Bassetto Digital  
8   Erzähler Celeste Digital       Harp Digital  
8   Cor Anglais  Digital       Chimes Digital  
8   French Horn  Digital       Tremulant    


32   Violone Digital   32   Ophicleide   Digital  
32   Contra Bourdon Digital   16   Trombone 32  
16   Principal 32   16   Fagotto  SW  
16   Subbass  32   8   Trumpet GT  
16   Lieblich Gedackt CH   8   Tuba GT  
8   Octave 32   8   State Trumpet (prepared)  GT  
8   Stopped Flute  32   4   Trumpet  GT  
4   Choral Bass 32   4   Shalmey 32  
2   Mixture III  96            
     Interdivisional Couplers & Accessories        
    Great to Pedal 8, 4         ACCESSORIES    
    Swell to Pedal 8, 4         Electronic Capture System    
    Choir to Pedal 8, 4          64 Levels of Memory    
    Solo to Pedal 8, 4         Great 1-6 Thumb    
              Swell 1-6 Thumb    
    Swell to Great 16, 8 4         Choir 1-6 Thumb    
    Choir to Great 16, 8, 4         Solo 1-3 Thumb    
    Solo to Great 8         Pedal 1-6 Thumb and Toe    
              General 1-6 Thumb and Toe  
    Swell to Choir 16, 8, 4         Tutti I Thumb and Toe    
    Solo to Choir 8         Tutti II Thumb and Toe    
              List Up Thumb and Toe    
    Solo to Swell 8         List Down Thumb and Toe    
              General Previous Thumb    
    REVERSIBLES         General Next Thumb    
    Great to Pedal Thumb and Toe            
    Swell to Pedal Thumb and Toe       ON TABLETS    
    Choir to Pedal Thumb and Toe       Cymbelstern (10 Bells)    
    Swell to Great Thumb         Tower Bells (11 Bells)    
    Choir to Great Thumb         MIDI I    
    Swell to Choir Thumb         MIDI II    
    Violone 32 Toe         MIDI III    
    Contra Bourdon 32 Toe         MIDI IV    
    Ophicleide 32 Toe              
    CONTROLS IN KEYCHEEK            
    Great/Choir Reverse              
    Nave Shutters Off              
    Solo Volume on Crescendo Pedal *            
    Midi Volume on Crescendo Peda l*            
    *Substitutes Expression for Crescendo Function        

St. Paul's Website, Organ Historical Society, 1992 Georgia Pipe Organ Catalog

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