Welcome to the new Atlanta Chapter of American Guild of Organists website!

Carrollton Presbyterian Church

14 Maple Street
Carrollton, GA 30117


Carrollton Presbyterian Church

Reuter Organ Company
Lawrence, KS

Built: 1962
Opus: 1380

     I - CHOIR



8   Melodia 61   8   Clarinet 61  
8   Gedeckt 61       Chimes    
4   Spitzflote 61       Tremulant    
4   Harmonic Flute 61       Choir 16    
2   Piccolo 61       Unison Off    
16   Cornopean SW       Choir 4    
8   Cornopean SW            

     II - GREAT



8   Diapason 61   16   Cornopean SW  
8   Hohlflote 61   8   Cornopean SW  
4   Dulciana 61       Great 4    
4   Octave 61       Great Unison    
2 2/3   Twelfth 61       Great 16    
2   Fifteenth              
     III - SWELL      


16   Flauto Dolce 61       Mixture III 183  
8   Rohrflote 61   8   Trompette 61  
4   Salicional 61   8   Hautbois 61  
4   Voix Celeste 49       Tremulant    
2   Flauto Dolce 12       Choir 16    
16   Octave Geigen 61       Unison Off    
8   Flauto Dolce 12       Choir 4    






16   Violone 32   5 1/3   Quint 32  
16   Bourdon 32   4   Super Octave 32  
16   Flauto Dolce SW   4   Flauto Dolce SW  
8   Octave 32   16   Cornopean SW  
8   Bourdon 12   8   Cornopean SW  
8   Flauto Dolce SW            

     Interdivisional Couplers & Accessories

    Great to Pedal 8, 4         Pistons    
    Swell to Pedal 8, 4         6 General and Toe Studs    
    Choir to Pedal 8         5 Choir    
              5 Great    
    Swell to Great 16, 8, 4         5 Swell    
    Choir to Great 16, 8, 4         6 Pedal Toe Studs    
    Swell to Choir 16, 8, 4         Sforzando  
              General Cancel    

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