Welcome to the new Atlanta Chapter of American Guild of Organists website!


Atlanta Chapter of the AGO members at a performance.
February 13, 2017: Yinying Luo, Recitalist, shown
with Alice Walker and Becky Ramsey (Sub Dean)

Becoming a Member of AGO Atlanta

Membership in the American Guild of Organists is open to all professional organists and choir directors, students, and organ enthusiasts alike, regardless of musical ability or denominational affiliation. For more information, see the AGO National Headquarters website.

National American Guild of Organists

Join the American Guild of Organists

Membership in the Atlanta Chapter of the American Guild of Organists is now processed by the national office via the ONCARD system. If you are already a member, please click on the appropriate link below. If you are a new member, please click on the link below to go to the American Guild of Organists website and follow the instructions for joining the Guild.

Current & Renewing Members  New Members

Questions? Please contact us.

Member Benefits

National Benefits

Member benefits at the national level include:

For more about these and other benefits, see AGO National Membership Overview.

Atlanta Chapter Benefits

Atlanta Chapter benefits include: