Welcome to the new Atlanta Chapter of American Guild of Organists website!

Code of Ethics

Find information below regarding the Code of Ethics from the American Guild of Organists.

Approved by the AGO National Council on January 27, 2017.

On January 27, 2017, the AGO National Council adopted revisions to this document to
reflect its settlement with the Federal Trade Commission.


The American Guild of Organists encourages its members to embrace and practice the following values as core ideals that Guild members aspire to cultivate in their ethical and professional conduct.

Value 1

Responsible Conduct toward Those Whom We Serve (including but not limited to clergy, supervisors, congregants, choir members, students, children, et al.).

Members shall:

Value 2

Respect for Our Professional Colleagues. Members shall:

Value 3

Integrity in Our Professional Work. Members shall: